Content creation: How to get better results with every piece of content you create

Charo Pinilla
3 min readDec 15, 2020
How to get better results from your content creation efforts

Let me ask you something.
Are your content creation efforts paying off?

If you think the name of the “content creation” game is just to build an audience (or a chore you have to put up with)…
…I have good news for you.

Because building your audience is not all you get from your hard content creation work.

You get something much more valuable.

The 3 things you get each time you create content

The first thing you receive is…

1) The Gift of Clarity

Creating content on a regular basis allows you to organize your ideas. And this clarity will serve you in many ways.

The first that comes to mind is you’ll be better at describing what you do. It will be easier for you to talk about your work in ways others easily understand. What? No more blank stares after you answer the “what do you do” question?

Yes, that’s exactly what I say.

The second thing you’ll get is…

2) The Gift of Certainty

Each new content piece you share publicly will help you validate your ideas for products and services.

Don’t trust those who say: “Do what you love and money will follow”. It’s simply not true — and I have three failed businesses to prove it.

For your business to be both fulfilling and financially sustainable, you need to find the sweet spot where your interests meet those of your audience. Creating content will help you figure that out.

No more heartache of creating a program that flops. Notice what your audience loves to get from you and give them that.

And finally…

3) The gift of Credibility

Every service business is built on trust. And let me tell you this: when a potential client finds a ton of content you’ve created, on the topic they care about…
…they will trust you.

You’ll be considered an expert on the subject. (And due to all those many hours you’ve devoted to creating your content, you’ll definitely be one).

As an architect, I never had to prove my expertise. My degree was enough. But after my big career shift, I used to worry people would not trust in my ability to help them. And yet they came and followed my advice on how to discover the career that was right for them.

Why? I credit the dozens of articles I’d written about the topic. They made all the difference.

So here you have it.

Next time you put a video or an article out there and you don’t get the reactions you expect, don’t feel bad.

You’re still getting great results: in clarity, certainty, and credibility.

So please tell me: What are you going to talk about in your next piece of content? I’d love to know. You can share it below.

With love.

Originally published at



Charo Pinilla

Helping professional women Escape a meaningless job to do what they love.